ne Plus Ultra -
Innovative Technologies

Welcome to the Avant-Garde-Technologies Corp website. The information provided is intended to give you insight about the company and its business segments. The Phoenix conveys the rebirth arising out of ashes. Avant-Garde-Technologies Corp (sometimes referred to as A-G-T) is the reorganization of a previous company that was needed because the company had experienced enormous growth from existing and new business segments. Although it sold off two-thirds of its telecommunications subsidiaries, it has been transformed into technology conglomerate enterprise that is experiencing exponential growth of revenue with very high profit margins. One of the most distinguishing attributes of the company is the culture to take risks and innovate new technologies.
It was necessary to reorganize, because of the sale of multiple subsidiaries and the enormous growth that has been experience in various business segment. Avant-Garde-Technologies is the conglomerate of many multinational subsidiaries. Having diversified in a conglomerate has enabled the company for focus on several areas that will have the greatest growth and with reduced risks.
Decentralized management of operations is provided within each subsidiary. Control and policies are centralized and performed by Avant-Garde-Technologies corporate. The company has no plans to become a public corporation. It continues to focus on implementation of its long-term strategic plan. For this reason, it in engaged in business segments that are experiencing exponential growth.

Technology Consulting
The Company is committed to innovation with Artificial Intelligence and other technologies that will improve human conditions and advance knowledge, technology and business growth.
Technology consulting is offered to organizations that want to understand the growth and profit potential of new technologies. For capital asset manager, we can provide insight into the investment potential that will be achieved in the new technologies that will be derived from Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, BioTechnology, Energy, Manufacturing Automations, Robotics. We can help to understand the companies engaged in technologies that will have an enormous impact in the future and the wealth that will be created.
The geopolitical world is rapidly changing. This will require a new agile and innovative management. Current business management is not prepared to accept new strategic and tactical planning that will be required. Understanding technology and the financial consequences are exceptionally important. This will definitely be a major factor of success or failure.

The company is structured into multiple subsidiaries that are engaged in specific business segments. Enormous growth is being experienced now and is expected to continue. Since technology is expected to have exponential growth each year in the future, the company is engaged in R&D and business in these new technology areas. Long-term strategic planning is the primary focus. Having a conglomerate that is decentralized make better business sense that focusing on one business segment. Some of the business functions provided by these operating subsidiaries is summarized here.
Stars and Stripes Forever

Software Development
Although the company does not sell software, it has over 20,000 of the best software engineers who develop software for the company. Many commercial software applications have been replaced by software developed internally. Since most commercial software applications purchased have not provided all the functionality needed by the company, its software engineers often completely re-engineer the applications that are more suitable for the company. Most software applications have automated processes and are fully integrated into the infra-structure. Also, most applications have extensive Artificial Intelligence - Deep Machine Learning (DML) built into them for rapid automated decision making. Since software applications are very important to most of the business segments, the company's software engineers has created multiple applications that support and improve products and services in these areas.

Corporate Growth and Profitability.
The company continues to experience large growth in revenue and a high profit margin. This is likely the result of long-term strategic planning, good decision-making, the use of process automation and integration of processes, and hiring extra-ordinary engineers. Everything important is measured and everyone is held responsible for what happens. This is one reason that why business intelligence and Deep Machine Learning is important and is often used to measure corporate performance at each level.
The Company is building seven enormous data centers that will focus on Artificial Intelligence - Deep Machine Learning. These data centers will primarily utilize neuromorphic computing architecture. This is in addition to the 21 large data centers that it already has built.
We will rock you.
ITS Group - This subsidiary is a holding company for multiple telecommunications services providers that operate as wholly owned subsidiaries. They provide telecommunications services, television, internet, and WiFi within many different countries throughout the world. ITS Group owns its towers, fiber optic and data centers. It has over 64 million subscribers. It is almost completed upgrading its networks to 5G. It is anticipating upgrading to 6G in 2030 and beyond. This is important to offer much larger bandwidth and lower latency. It will enable enhanced capabilities need for IoT, Viterual Reality and Augmented Learning, and manufacturing and other products that utilize AI.
Artificial Intelligence Factory. - This subsidiary provides research and development concerning Artificial Intelligence / Machine Leaning and automation. Everything has a foundation in data. When AI is developed and used to create algorithms that enable them to learn and perform the task that would otherwise require personnel, these processes can be automated and performance can be improved. Research and development of AI/ML for industrial manufacturing and Industrial IoT, as well as supply chain and logistic applications and processes, is being applied to automate many manufacturing plants and significantly reduce operating expenses. NeuroScience research is ongoing to create an Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which will enormously enhance AI capabilities.
Percipient IoT - This subsidiary provides comprehensive IoT and IIoT services throughout the world. When the company takes on a project, it does everything needed from the engineering design, IT software and hardware, sensors, automation, AI-ML, analytics, security, and monitoring. Most IIoT projects are for manufacturing, Energy, Oil & Gas, Logistics and transportation.
SynGen - This subsidiary provide biotechnology services for Pharma companies throughout the world. Genetic Engineering and Drug Discovery, Precision Medicine, and Development using new technologies like CRISPR and proteins comprise over half of its business.
Gestalt Energy is doing business and conducting R&D into Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR), Algae Bofuels and Micro-grids. LFTR represents the future for large scale clean energy. Micro-grids are needed in areas where the centralized grid is not available and to supplement the central grid when some event causes it to shut down.
Ultra-Technology-Consulting - Technology and business consulting services are offered. These services related to emerging technologies for investment banking and business. The demand for technology consulting services is great. Because the company is a conglomerate with different technology business segments. it can provide the technology and business services that is unlikely to be available from other sources. Previous engagements have helped capital asset funds manager to make investment in new technology that has resulted in long-term strategic growth. Business executives have been able to make long-term strategic decisions that improved their profit margins and increase their revenue growth
Umbrella MSP - Comprehensive Managed Service are provided by this subsidiary. It is comprised of multiple MSP business units throughout the world. The company provides premium MSP services that include all the essential services necessary for an enterprise’s Information Technology infra-structure.
Photonic Integrated Circuit Corp - This business unit designs photonic integrated circuits for the use in IIoT projects. The company is spending a large amount on R&D for this technology. It is expected to become the dominate technology used for AI-ML and computer processors in the near future.
Spectacular Robots Corp - This business segment is involved in robotic R&D for IIoT, business, social and military applications. R&D focus is upon AI-ML for robots and mechanical applications. It also includes information bots that can handle documents and information like a person would do.
Demeter HydroPhonics. - Growing food in water is the essence of hydrophonics. Through automation, genetic engineering, and optimization of supply chains and logistics, hydrophonic food production can be done for much less cost and higher yield quantities than many other agriculture methods. This enables food production to be brought closer to the end consumers fresh and better quality,

Welcome to my World
Avant-Garde-Technologies -The multinational Conglomerate
Avant-Garde-Technologies Corporation is the parent company for the conglomerate. It provides many administration functions, strategic planning, corporate performance management and Research and Development to improved performance and new business opportunities. It prepares the consolidated financial statement for the enterprise.
Avant-Garde-Technologies approaches business with a strategic plans that will achieve long-term objectives, as well as tactical plan that will insure substantial stable growth in revenue and net income. It is necessary to be flexible with these plans and enable them to adapt to the political, economic, and technologies that are present today and take action to implement them with the resources the company has available. The company enters various business segments where there is significant demand. These business segments are experiencing large growth now and are expected to continue to grow substantially in the future. The future is considered to be within the next 10 to 20 years. It is widely expected that technology with be growing exponentially from what it is now. Some of the most relevant decisions that are made are presented here.
R&D - Substantial R&D is done in technologies which will grow exponentially. There are no boundaries. Everything thing is considered. Because the company has limited resources, those technologies that are most feasible to implement are given priority. The company intends to spend over 12% of its revenue on R&D projects.
IT infra-structure - The company has a massive IT infra-structure. It has built 30 large data centers that over 100m2 in size in different geographical areas throughout the world. They are all connected into a fiber optic network and can easily communicate with each other. They are now used mostly as a private cloud to provide IT services to the company and its clients. High performance computers used for science and engineering, while others ones are more suitable for business applications, such as ERP.
Since there is so much data being accumulated each day, high performance computer are used for data science and business intelligence. Everything possible is integrated into the IT infra-structure and Robot Process Automation is used to automate all business processes and workflows.
DevOps represents a major function for the developers. They are now using Docker Containers with Kubernetes for most DevOps. Serverless computing is also being used extensively throughout the company. Almost all DevOps have a Ai-ML component that is integrated into automated processes to enable automation of decision-making.
Integrate and automate process - With the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI-ML), the company integrates and automates all process. Robot Process Automation (RPA) software is used along with the DevOps created by the company’s developers. Hundreds of applications have been deployed with RPA and AI-ML and are used in mission critical systems. Because there is too much data to be analyzed by humans, decision making is made through the AI-ML algorithms which allows for immediate decisions to be made. This also affects multiple other processes. This normally uses streaming data in real time to identify issues that may present a problem.
Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 9 (Op. 125).

Integrate systems - All software platforms that the company has purchase or created will be integrated into the company’s IT infra-structure. Most often there is multiple inter-actions between different platforms. Although this makes the IT infra-structure very complex, the integrations help to simplify their intended use. Almost always it is necessary to create additional feature for software platforms that are purchased, because they lack certain features needed by the company.

Reduce operating expense - When it is possible to reduce operating expense, the company invests in new technologies or develops the software that is needed to achieve this objective. If there is a good ROI, the project will normally receive the funds necessary. This normally happens when there are no adequate solutions available.
Corporate Culture – The company’s corporate culture places great value on its employees. It provide one hour each day for training to enhance technical skills and promote security awareness. All employees is evaluated quarterly to determined how well they performed within the areas they were responsible. Key Performance Metric have been created and data is continuously be collected to evaluate their responsibilities. Since most compensation comes from bonuses, how well they performed will affect whether they receive a bonus and how much. For those exceptional employees they may receive have an automobile from the company.

Eye of the Tiger
Business Intelligence - Data Science - Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning
Business Intelligence - Data Science - Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning are used extensively for strategic planning and tactical operations. These are used extensively in most DevOps and Robot Process Automation deployed into the processes. This has enabled much better decision making and improved Corporate Performance Management (CPM). Moreover, by integrating and automating these within DevOps containers, operating expenses have substantially declined.

Security - It is critical to provide the highest level of security possible. Block Chain technology is being used with mission critical systems, data and applications Each employee received security training each to enhance security awareness. Although multiple security technologies have been either purchase or developed in-house, social engineering is often used to breach this extensive security. It is impossible to have perfect security. However, everything possible to enhance security is done. Each employee is responsible for security and suffers the consequences if there is a security breach. Block Chain is also used extensively to improve security as well as multiple Security Operations Centers (SOC) to enhance in-depth security.

Employees – The company has over 140,000 employees. Two-thirds of the employees are highly educated and skilled engineers and scientists. It is difficult to find exceptionally intelligent and productive people. Most new employees are recruited from universities. There is no such thing as long-term employment, because everyone is evaluated continuously. Only those exceptional people remain with the company as long as they maintain the high standards expected. The most outstanding employees often receive very large bonuses and special gifts, such as an automobile.
IT infra-structure - The company has 31 very large data centers that are located in different geographic locations. Most of the IT employees work in specific business units or projects. Small teams provide the IT administration. Everyone on these teams have exceptional skill sets that cover all areas, such as systems, network, database, applications, and security administration. Most of the IT staff work in DevOps for specific business units, such as engineering, marketing, finance, and HR. This has worked well because they understand the underlying business needs and can develop the applications for them. The company over 20,000 of the best and most exceptional software engineers who are continuously developing Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning applications and designing and creating DevOps, business processes and integrating them into the IT infra-structure. Moreover, the company over 30,000 of the most exceptional science engineers and scientists who are involved with R&D projects.
One hour each day is provided to learn new technologies and skill sets as well as to enhance security awareness. About 50 percent of the time it takes to create a new DevOp is spend in design and documentation. All DevOps under extensive evaluation to identify and remove any vulnerability identified.

Winner takes it all
Revenue and Profitability
The company's long-term strategic plan provides guidelines for operations. Revenue and profitability objectives are set and middle and senior management are held responsible for the result. If they fail to meet the objectives they understand the consequences that they will be replaced. This is also the case for any security breaches. The company rewards those who make contributions and removes those who are unable to perform at a very high level.
To insure the integrity of the company's finance, numerous controls have been created for all financial processes. The use of various financial corporate finance management software and comprehensive control processes enables the company to prevent fraud and to be confident in the accuracy of financial reporting. It is a fundamental policy to measure everything to determine that the business plans and personnel are achieving the results expected.
Since growth and profitability are major concerns, the company operates as a conglomerate in several business segments that are expected to have exponential growth. Moreover, when we encounter problems with software that purchased, we have a large number of some of the most outstanding software engineers that are able to create the platform we want. This improved both customer and employee satisfaction and also provide a high ROI for the company by substantially reducing operating expenses. To maintain a high profitability level, the company;s strategy is to automate and integrate everything and utilize our exceptional software engineers to innovate.
To continue to achieve high profit margins, the company measures everything possible. This includes individual performance and the ROI that it expects to receive from technologies purchased. While automation and integration of systems are important, it is essential to maintain high standards in performance, good decision-making and security.
Management - All management have at least an M.B.A. degree. They have all developed great technical and business skills that enables them to focus on make good business decisions that are reflected in both short-term and long-term growth and profitability. They are responsible for financial performance as well preparing their reports and using business intelligence software to extract the information needed to make make good tactical and strategic decisions. The very high revenue growth and profitability of the company can be attributed to their capabilities.

To improve operating performance the company utilizes Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning, Data Science, Business Intelligence, BigData and multiple engineering technologies. This enables the company to develop strategic planning that will achieve long-term growth and continue to increase its profit margins. The company has large budget R&D and engineering for technology projects that will contribute to future growth.